• #268, 1st Floor,Valluvarkottam High Road,Nungambakkam,Chennai –600034.
  • info@oxyclean.in
  • 044-45525005


About oxyclean

About Our Company

The clean environment service provider.

A team of experienced, skilled, dedicated individuals works tirelessly ensuring our client’s need for cleaning standard remains high at all times. Unique is each client, their issues, and the requirement for services. So we provide flexible services to adapt to the client’s exact needs with an uncompromising standard. We work in every branch of industrial, commercial, and residential establishments assuring our clients receive our services exactly as they expected. Trusted and committed members of the Oxyclean team maintains confidentiality and abide by any security protocols requested by our clients.
Empowering our customers to choose healthy living!

Go clean! Go green!

Honesty Transparency

OxyClean writes up a document delineating our mutual understanding. For large jobs, or government contracts, we provide a detailed Proposal. For smaller jobs and residential work, we provide a Statement of Understanding. This writing makes everything clear on all sides, and stems from our commitment to honesty.


OxyClean cleans, and cleans well. Our workers will be there on time and work hard. Our management will respond to any concerns or changes needed. The job itself is the heart of our process, of course. We take our commitments very seriously and work to the highest standards. OxyClean’s professionalism and responsiveness are its hallmarks.

Communication is a Priority

OxyClean communicates with you throughout the project to make sure that you’re satisfied. We are dedicated to continuous self-improvement and resist complacency. At the completion of the project we will follow-up with you to review your experience with OxyClean.

See Some Facts

We Provide Best Service For Your Business


Projects Completed


Satistied Clients


Team Members


Hours of work